Here we have a lovely final piece of the puzzle in terms of studio and live connectivity between voltage controlled gear (primarily Modular Synths) and MIDI gear. The Befaco VCMC is a “voltage controlled MIDI controller” that provides 8 gate inputs, 8 buttons, 8 faders, 8 CV inputs and 2 additional aux inputs that can all be configured for various 1v/oct + gate to MIDI note, gate to MIDI note, MIDI CC, velocity, pitch bend and a whole manner of MIDI data. Set up is relatively quick and easy selecting the input, choosing it’s function and then it’s MIDI channel. Once your voltages are converted to MIDI you have a USB B and 5 pin DIN MIDI output to connect to all your MIDI gear, modern, vintage, computer based etc. I have more videos to come with the VCMC including looking at using Bitwig and the Boss RV500 reverb pedal. Do let me know what else you’d like to see with the VCMC in the comments.
VCMC info + website –
Instrument Interface info + website –