Hello and welcome to this video on the absolutely mega DIVKID DROID MODULATION HUB! It’s a ‘patch’* made by DROID power user effiksmusic (fantastic work from him) that turns a DROID master and P2B8 controller into a super mega uber hub of modulation with 4 envelopes, 2 random generators and 2 LFOs each with some really clever and smart twists and chained functions to elevate them further.
The goal of getting into the DROID system for me was a mission to save HP, saving those precious HPs (space in the modular system) by combining lots of common functions that I use all the time, while also adding flexible additional features to them that would otherwise take more modules and more HP. This distills these modulators down into a simple interface that just provides the controls I need (and you might need too) to make the most of all of this modulation.