1) The trigger input does not lock anything to a tempo, I was mislead by a couple of “lucky” patches where it seems to do so. My bad! 🙁 The trigger input actually triggers a single grain. So with density in the mid position 12 o’clock no grains are sewn by default but the trigger input will create a single grain. So audio rate triggers / rhythmic patterns etc can all be achieved by trigger input alone. 2) Not really a correction but a tip, the phasey sound that’s apparent in several places is due to the high grain density and overlap of the grains. When the input is static many grains of the same pitch stack up creating this sound. With granular synthesis at least some mild random modulation would be there on playback position, grain size or pitch to create further depth. The perception of depth is more perceivable even with a subtle use of modulation create FX such as chorusing and choir style FX on vocals. You can skip to the patch where I use several CV sources at 10:51 to hear these effects. You can also see the output fed back into itself as a modulation source at 09:05
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