Patch example to support episode 5 of Modular Podcast found here – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gXKRa7F2Xhk
The sound source here is the Sputnik Modular Dual Oscillator, I’m taking the final output into Mutable Instruments Streams which is in the bonus LPG mode. Streams output goes into the Sputnik Modular Four Tap Delay and Crossfader and I’m taking the delay output into the WMD Aperture and back into the mixer at the input of the delay. This creates a feedback path and I’m playing with the Aperture’s cut off frequency, width and input level throughout create various feedback trails with different tones as the band pass filter widens and moves around. The delay output goes into the crossfader with a split of input signal to create a dry/wet balance before the crossfader goes out into the Rebel Technology OWL for some reverb on the output.
The core of the patch is the Noise Engineering Variatic Eruption with it’s clock going out into the Streams excite input to strike the LPG emulation. The clock output is also going to the Noise Engineering Zularic Repetitor and I’m taking the fourth rhythm output to trigger the ‘hit’ on the burst generation from the Variatic Eruption. The burst output goes to trigger the Sputnik Modular Quad Function Generator’s first channel with a short envelope. The ‘end’ output of the burst triggers the second channel on the Quad Function Generator and I’m mixing the two envelopes in the Sputnik Modular CV Processor. The mixed envelopes go to modulate the timbre modulation depth (wavefolding) and the depth of the modulation bus (AM and audio rate timbre mod from first oscillator [which is synced] which is modulating the second). The end output on the burst generator also goes to clock the SSF URA and I’m taking the sample and hold output B on the URA to modulate the pattern of the bursts. A final split of the end output goes to clock the Audio Damage Sequencer 1 which is sending pitch information to the second oscillator on the Dual Oscillator.