So here’s the latest “extended vine” style synth jam video, NO TALKING! (yey I hear some of you scream) just a patch I’ve been enjoying and playing around with.
The bases for this is the Bubblesound uLFO through an attenuator into the ADDAC 207 quantizer create a self generating musical drone style patch. The uLFO and quantizer combo in the engine room or hun (however you want to think of it) of the whole patch. The quantizer sends triggers out which clock everything else. As the attenuator is manually move you get a flurry of new notes and triggers as the voltage rises or falls faster than the static rate.
As always feel free to ask questions and I hope you like the patch. Some of the future jams are more elaborate but I’ll keep using the “synth jam” title for patches with no talking and just sharing odd patches and bits of playing around.