So here’s my latest patch that I’ve been jamming with and trying things out. As always fire away with any questions in the comments and hit subscribe for more videos every week! Full patch notes below.
Part 1
An intellijel Dixie triangle wave is sent to the AniModule V9a and scaled with the on board offset and attenuator to create some pendulum style sequencing with the VC input for the V9a (as opposed to clock input). The CV output from the 9 steps are sent to an RYO AmpMix for simple attenuation and then scaled back before going to an ADDAC 207 Quantizer. The quantizer output goes into a Mutable Instruments Braids 1v/octave input with automatic triggering for the DRUM mode. The quantizer’s trigger output go into a Mutable Instruments Branches to inject some random movement not always passing the triggers through the same output and output A goes into a Mutable Instruments Peaks is envelope mode sends an ADSR to Braids colour modulation input. Braids Timbre is modulated by a Frequency Central System X Sample & Hold which is clocked from an AniModule TikTok receiving it’s clock from the VC sequence generated on the V9a. Braids output goes into a Mutable Instruments Ripples filter with cut off modulation from the System X Sample & Hold and the second channel of Peaks in TapLFO mode. The TapLFO function receives it’s clocked from the TikTok module. The Ripples 2 pole low pass output goes into a Make Noise Echophon with the mix amount modulated by a Bubblesound uLFO’s shaped sine output. The Echophon’s pitch depth is modulated from a second quantizer channel playing the same sequence as the original pitch sequence going to Braids. The Echophon’s echo time is modulated from the System X Sample & Hold as well. The main clock for the Echophon is the AniModule TikTok. The Echophon’s freeze function is from the uLFOs pulse output. Finally the Echophon’s output goes into an Erica Synths Polivoks mixer module.
Part 2
A second Intellijel Dixie’s sine output goes into a Bubblesound VCA4p with FM modulation on the Dixie from a Doepfer Quad ADSR with the same envelope modulating the amplitude on the VCA4p. The VCA4p output goes into a Doepfer A-199 spring reverb with the output going into a Synthrotek EKO module which has echo time modulation from the uLFOs shaped sine output (also modulating the Echophon for Part 1). The EKO output then goes into the Polivoks mixer.
Part 3
The AniModule TikTok sends a clock into the 4ms RCD and SCM and 4 outputs are mixed in a Doepfer A-151 sequential switch with a slower clock division triggering the switching. This pattern is sent to a the second channel on Branches which is randomly “coin tossing” the outputs so every trigger doesn’t pass and that output goes to a WMD multi mode envelope which is modulating an Erica Synths Polivoks filter with the Polivoks modulator’s noise output at the input. This then goes into the third channel on the Polivoks mixer.
The Polivoks mixer is a sub mix that is added to with the output going through a Livewire Frequensteiner filter with modulation in HP mode from the System X Sample & Hold. The Frequensteiner output then goes to an RYO Vertmix (for further mixing). The Vertmix also has a second channel which is Neutron Sound Orgone Accumulator set to a noisy wave going into the AniModule SOB with steady 16th note trigger (the slight variation in the V9as output due to the original triangle wave at the VC input is most apparent here) to the CV inputs. The Vertmix finally outputs to a second A-199 spring reverb before going to my soundcard.
Manually wiggling was of the SOB filter cut off and CV modulation depth for the noise. The Braids tuning for Part 1 DRUM mode, the Polivoks mixer levels and the FX mix amounts.
I also used the AniModule LogicOgic for AND, FlipFlop and OR functions to mix and combine triggers from the 3 parts and TikTok clock divider/multiplier before hitting Branches.