The first in a series of patch / synth jam videos. We Vine (search DivKid and follow us if you use it) a lot but 6 seconds isn’t enough to share a patch properly.
These will be really simple for some and more interesting for others so we hope you enjoy them.
Here’s some patch notes:
Kick – Envelopes are triggered via a quarter note midi clock and is a sine wave from an Intellijel Dixie going through an Intellijel uVCA II. With another envelope going to the Dixie pitch to create the kick and thump.
Clap – is a Bubblesound uLFO running at audio rate with the shaped sine (if I remember correctly) going into the WMD Geiger Counter, pushing the pre-amp and wavetable processing.
Hats – these are the high pass noise output from the Blue Lantern Mr. Noise module.
Noise) the sequenced noise sound in the white noise output from the Blue Lantern Mr. Blue module going through a Bubblesound VCA4p with the gain amount modulated by the GinkoSynthese TapLFO (synced to midi clock) with the random output affecting the VCA gain.
Bassline – all 3 rows of the Make Noise Brainds and 2x Pressure Points combo going into a Mutable Instruments Braids. Top rows goes to Braids pitch (1v/oct) input with the quantizer on, second row goes to Braids Timbre modulation and third to the Braids Colour modulation. All the pressure points outputs pass through a Thonk At-At-At for attenuation. Braids internal envelopes are trigger automatically (Braids auto-detects pitch changes) which is affecting the internal VCA level. So Braids acts as a single voice all in one module. The Braids output goes to a SOB filter from Animodule then goes to a Doepfer A-199 Spring Reverb, which then passes into a Happy Nerding FM Aid. The FM Aid then goes to a Malekko Borg 2 filter. Braids also has FM modulation coming through a Livewire AFG with the FM modulation depth adjusted manually.
Each part is mixed together on a pair of STG .mix modules. And as you’ll see there’s a fair amount of manual wiggling going on.