STORY TIME … (read me)
This video was meant to be a quick exploration of the new drum mode but then you get making music and that inspires more music and then you find some fairly crazy interesting behaviour and well … you have to dive in right? Well I do!
So here we have a fulsome look at the Wobbler2 from This Is Not Rocket Science which has all the same LFO features as the original Wobbler (see my original Wobbler video below for a thorough run down of all things wibbly wobble LFO) plus a whole new drum mode. The video comes in four parts (see the chapter markings below) with a quick exploration of the LFO mode, then a deep look at both the drum synthesis and sample playback then we get into beat making and pushing the drum modes before delving into a wild world of drum drones, weird filters (not a filter, but you can think of it like one), hard sync VCO like behaviours and wavetable style tonal morphs!
Original Wobbler LFO video //