Here’s a little teaser of the new Erica range of vacuum tube modules the ‘Fusion’ series. There’s 5 modules with valves including a VCO mixer, VCA, Ring Modulator, Filter and Delay/Chorus. These will be released in July so watch for more info.
E350 XY output into Erica Fusion Ring Modular X input, E350 Z input into Ring Mod Y input. Both wavetables outputs then cross modulate each other. The Ring Modulator goes out into the Erica Fusion Analog Delay/Chorus with external CV modulation from a Pittsburgh Modular VILFO. The Chorus then goes out into the Erica Fusion series VCA with gain/bias offset and modulation from a WMD Multimode Envelope. This goes into a mixer before recording.
The E350 Y and X positions are morphed from a sample and hold which is the Frequency Central Ultra Wave. The Ultra Wave goes into a Manhattan Analog CVP for some slew to smooth the changes. This is clocked at x4 the clock speed on a 4ms SCM, the main pitch sequence is also the x4 clock going into a Turing Machine, then into a ADDAC 207 Quantizer feeding the E350’s 1v/oct input. The quantizers trigger out gates the WMD envelope.
The x1 clock triggers a Doepfer Quad ADSR with envelopes going to the exponential FM on an Intellijel Dixie with the sine wave out going into a uVCA with a second envelope trigger the VCA. This creates the simple kick. The Turing Machine noise out going into the second VCA channel and is trigger by a third envelope running at x2 the clock speed. These are both mixed into the main riff before taking a single out to record.
Manual wiggling was of the E350 wave banks (switch), CVP level to bring in and out sample and hold wavetable modulation, Delay/Chorus rate, internal / external mod switch, delay time and feedback. And finally the input levels of the VCA and chorus.
VCO Mixer – AFG waveforms into the mixer
VCA – E350 with CV modulation on the VCA from WMD Multimode Envelope
Filter – Braids in supersaw mode with sample and hold modulation from Frequency Central Ultra Wavefilter cut off
Ring Mod – Two Intellijel Dixie sine waves, manually wiggling tuning of each.
Analog Delay/Chorus – mix of oscillators into the unit.