I recently worked alongside Mylar Melodies showcasing and exhibiting modular synths (specifically Eurorack) to children (and some adults / parents) in the Science Tent at Deer Shed festival. Deer Shed is a family friendly festival with a large number of kids and parents and the Science Tent gives them a chance to come and try soldering, make slime, chemistry workshops, build raspberry pi units and come and make music and play on euro rack synthesisers or try out making music on a Ableton with guys from a local Ableton group.
For the event I tried to put together the best Eurorack synthesiser that I could that was a mean little groove box of beats, melodies, bass, FX and some more out there fun stuff. So here’s what I used, how I patched it and how it went.
More information including pics, modular grid layouts, patches and more – http://divkidvideo.com/eurorack-for-kids/
Things mentioned and used in the video:
Deershed Festival – http://deershedfestival.com
GMSN – https://gmsn.co.uk
16n Faderbank – https://16n-faderbank.github.io
BLCK_NOIR – https://youtu.be/MJujVg856Vc
Plaits – https://youtu.be/_zYwdcYECdg
Tuesday – https://youtu.be/mCShOr-zQME
Z-DSP – https://youtu.be/tKlg4CPN4MU
Sample Slicer – https://youtu.be/j6mf6_rkoeg
2hp Freez – https://youtu.be/3-yv0CACsoA
Aperture – https://youtu.be/xxYuDG0bawo
Tendrils Cables. – http://www.tendrilscables.com