What a fun video and all round bundle of awesomeness this is. Quirky, happy retro game vibe to the melody with nice graphics dancing around the performance video. Here’s a track called Imaginary Friends by Second Breakfast which was composed and performed in one take on his Eurorack set up. No small effort for doing […]
modular synth
WHAT IS IT!?! Qu-Bit Electronix Pulsar
The new Pulsar sees a rather swish new black panel design from Qu-Bit Electronix (it’s nice to see them engaging with the dark side!) Pulsar looks like it builds upon the foundation of random and burst generation from the Nano Rand and Chance and takes it to a whole new level. It’s a galactic clock […]
Colin Benders and Noisia at the Modular!
By now I’m sure many of have seen Colin Benders on fine form with his live streams usually jamming several hours of acid techno creating some seriously head bobbing stuff. However for this video he has Thys from Noisia round for an exploratory modular play around and walk through. The video goes through Cwejman modules, […]
Jupiter 6 Filter for Eurorack
Click images for larger versions A few months ago System 80 announced plans to make a eurorack 808 drum machine clone. Fast forward to now and they’ve announced an open source Jupiter 6 filter module. Files are available on GitHub as it’s all open source but you can purchase them from System 80 on the site – […]
Synthesis Technology – E370 & more!
The Kickstarter for this ends THIS SUNDAY the 19th of March. Head to www.synthtech.com to check out the module and head to the campaign to bag yourself one. You’ll have very little chance of getting the module again after this Kickstarter has run it’s course. Back in April 2012 Paul T Schreiber of Synthesis Technology […]