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Now this isn’t new for Superbooth but after speaking to Ron from Sleepy Circuits (and continuing to day dream about video synthesis) I wanted to share his new Hypno module.

Hypno is a Eurorack compatible (but also comes in it’s own little case if you wish) all in one “voltage controlled digital video system”. Sleepy Circuits say it’s the easiest way to perform live visuals either standalone or with Eurorack and that it turns a sound focussed set up into a audio/visual playground.
Hypno is listed at $600 with a pre-order open for an ETA of June 2020. For more information check that out here –
But I mentioned speaking to Rob above and that was part of the Single Malt Synthesis Superbooth streams which you can watch back here. Clicking the link or playing below should play the video from 2 hours and 53 minutes where Ron joined the stream. We spoke for 30 minutes with him and other than checking out the Sleepy Circuits site, I think that’s the best way for you to check this out.
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