To keep up with all the news from the Home Edition of Superbooth 2020 click and share this link –
I just caught this video (below) of Phin from dBs Music presenting the Stochastic Generator on Sonic State and it reminded me of what a cool device this module is, so I wanted to share this as an update and look at the module and it’s expander. Phin is always a pleasure to bump into at events and although we haven’t had the chance before, he’s certainly someone I’d like to get chance to sit down with and share some ideas getting to know each other further. Phin works at dBs as a university tutor and alongside Matthew Ward they perform on modular together and generally tutor and nurture ideas supporting the scene positively. One previous student of dBs Music is Phen Marks who went on to set up omsonic, making a wide range of great sounding, well priced Eurorack modules including a personal favourite the Pixel Dust hi hat module (demo here) and it’s great to see omsonic working together with dBs Music collaboratively to modules to life.

Getting into the nitty gritty, the Stocastic Inspiration Generator isn’t a new module for home edition of Superbooth but I know those involved would have been at Superbooth presenting the module with a wide range of looping or probabilistic musical riffs and melodies flying around. I’d not seen the expander which turns this into 4 voices of quantised pitch CV, probability based envelope shaping with ratchets, alternating gate lengths and more. I enjoyed the chat below on Sonic State referencing Isorhythmic compositions, probabilistic music history and plenty more. Well worth a watch and I’m hoping to try this module out for myself soon!
Info, pricing and availability here –
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