What a fun video and all round bundle of awesomeness this is. Quirky, happy retro game vibe to the melody with nice graphics dancing around the performance video. Here’s a track called Imaginary Friends by Second Breakfast which was composed and performed in one take on his Eurorack set up. No small effort for doing that in any style of music but this is impressive, wrangled drums, chords, bass, melodies in a whole patch across a poppy melodic track with sections, fills and transitions. The multi camera video and animation imaginary friends worked into the video show a huge amount of effort and skill too. Really impressive and a good fun end result.
For those after a bit more information I’m going to set up a Rig Rundown live stream going over this set up with Second Breakfast. I’d personal love to hear how the case was set up to compose and perform full pieces like this and a bit more about Second Breakfast too.
Check out the Second Breakfast Instagram and YouTube pages for more.
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