PLEASE NOTE this page is no longer updated.
I’ll be back with a bigger and better
streaming resource in the near future.
Here’s a list of live streams (updated daily, check back!) coming up during this period of isolation from the wider group of family & friends with some of my own streams to be added soon. Where you can please share these, join the live chats and keep the community going strong for the benefit of everyone.
NOTE 1 – posts below follow a title // date & time (including location & time zone) // about formatting. Click the title to head to the streams themselves. These are in date order and the links should work to watch them back after the stream as well.
NOTE 2 – A few people pointed out that it wasn’t clear which streams were my own. This list isn’t about me personally but for anyone curious I’ve made the posts italic that are hosted by or include me (DivKid!).
Molten Chat w/ Tulpa and Dusha // Thursday the 30th of July at 8pm UK BST // Robin Vincent chats to Anna a modular musician DJ and educator following the launch of the Modular Moon school of modular synthesis in Amsterdam.
DivKid w/ After Later Audio // Sunday the 2nd of August at 8pm UK BST // I chat to After Later Audio about 3 new Eurorack modules releasing this week.
Colin Benders – Modular Lockdown // streaming most days impromptu until further notice // Colin Benders performing live from his spare room in the new isolated modular studio.
Sonic Talk // every Wednesday 4pm UK BST time // Nick Batt hosts the weekly live panel show from Sonic State.
GEO Synths // every Sunday at 6pm UK BST time // Jamie ‘GEO Synths’ is joined guests for interviews and topical synth chat.
Monster Planet Oddcast // every Tuesday 8-10pm Seattle PST // Live music meets live visuals as they go on a lo-fi sci-fi misadventure. New guests each week.
Ranze synth hangouts // Saturday 2pm UTC // regular synth chat with various topics each week.
Pro Synth Network live // Sunday’s at 8pm UK BST time // The Facebook Group ‘Pro Synth Network’ stream live with a music technology discussion.
More Kicks Than Friends (online micro festival) // Saturday’s at 8pm UK BST time // Ned Rush hosts a series of online performance videos in one micro festival style stream. Currently weekly, updates at the link.
New York Modular Society // Every Saturday at 8pm or 9pm USA EST // The show hosts 406 artists exploring a wide range of electronic music. Info here
Stujay18 live Eurorack composition/performance // every Sunday at 5pm PDT / 8pm EDT // Stu Goldstein is performing a new Eurorack composition live each week.
The Monster Planet Oddcast Season 3 is still going on out of Seattle. Every Tuesday night from 8-10PM PST on Twitch and YouTube! Improvised Paracosmic music with guests, games, prizes, and more! Check out our page for all our stuff including our radio station!
Is each show a specific thing? I’ll email you.
Reach out to Hainbach who’s supposed to be live streaming tomorrow night from Berlin!
That’s already on the list, Single Malt Synthesis his whiskey and synths hangout. Let me know of any others I’ve missed and I’ll keep adding to the list.
hi ben,
bruno kramm is doing a daily livestream on youtube. he is from the 80s-goth-band “Das Ich” and a very nice guy (inspite of the dark music, hehe). basically, he is explaining electronic music, instruments, synthesis methods, sequencing, etc. to total beginners, but it’s nice to watch. he definitely knows a lot about music.
it is only in german at the moment.
ah great, we met at the TSR event last year. Great guy. I’ll get that on the list. Thanks.
Hey Ben. I play every Saturday night on Twitch at 10:00 CST. Live improvised synth jam in the techno-ish arena.
Added that to the list, cheers Dan. Is that 10am or 10pm?
10 PM. Eeek I need to be more clear in the future haha. It’s a 2 hour show.
I figured evening was better for techno.
Hi Ben,
Don’t forget about ranzee live stream every Saturday 2PM UTC:
added, cheers!
Streaming from Resonant Space
Fridays starting at 8:00 pm EDT (00:00 GMT). Shows will run approximately two hours. Show can be found at
Content will be modular ambient experimental music/video jams, modular demos and experiments, field recordings–raw and processed, and assorted sound art jetsam and flotsam. Hopefully, some guest performances from the DC modular scene as well.
April 3 – Modular Experiment! Recreating Morton Subotnik’s Ghost Box with the Frap Tools Fumana.
Spectral transfer with the Fumana and multichannel CV recording using the same process as Don Buchla’s Ghost Box–built for Morton Subotnik. Origins of spectral transfer and vocoding, World War II voice encryption, and notable spectral transfer modules.
April 10 – Intro to Modular Video Synthesis – Part 1
Beginners guide to modular video synthesis–we’ll cover basic concepts of video synthesis, particularly in relation to audio modules, discuss LZX analog and digital video modules, Vidiot, Erogenous Tones Structure, glitch, and vintage video gear.
Amazing work bringing the modular community together! Love this list. I watch Colin whenever I see his stream pop up.
Did my own livestream a week ago, and will probably do it again. Just some 20-minute techno jam. You can watch it back here:
I’ll announce my next stream here as well, if you want 🙂
looking forward to checking it out. Cheers Arthur.
great list, have been directing people here
great thank you!
Such a brilliant resource Ben, thank you!
cheers mate!
New York Modular Society is streaming live modular synth acts on every Saturday. Streams start at 8 or 9pm EST and go for roughly 2-3 hours. The show hosts 4-6 artists exploring a wide range of electronic music. The event schedule is posted here
NYMS welcomes modular artists, from anywhere in the world, interested in streaming live. Join us on Discord and introduce yourself
cheers for the updates! Adding this to the regular section of the list.
Hi Ben! I do a livestream on Facebook (Stu.goldstein) and Twitch (@stujay18) every Sunday, 5 pm PT/8 pm ET — each Sunday features a new eurorack composition performed live. Gaining some tracking, people seem to enjoy it, so thought I’d mention!
Hi Stu, cheers for getting in touch and letting me know I’ll get this added to the list now too.
Hi Ben!
We’re doing the 28th monthly Resonant Frequencies live from the San Francisco Bay Area (and beyond!) Sunday June 7th, 6:00PM Pacific Time (UTC-8)
Resonant Frequencies is a monthly open mic night specifically for Experimental Electronic Musicians and Composers, accompanied by live Visual Synthesis with a focus on real time generation and performance.
apologies I missed this link at the time. Did it happen? The link looks as if the stream never started.
hey ben,
i also can recommend the “knob twiddlers hangouts” from dutch techno legend speedy j. they talk about music production, inspiration, new gear and discuss the future of the music industry. every episode, very interesting people are invited like richard devine, jamie lidell, luke slater, colin benders, steffi and many more.
i think they take place every tuesday late afternoon. not exactly sure.
here is a link. the next hangout isn’t announced yet:
good call, they’ve been great!