Issue #2 of DivKid’s Month Of Modular from November 2015. It seems like such a long time ago now. Module of the month was the Erica Synths Dtech VCF, interview was with Olivier Gillet from Mutable Instruments about Braids and news included the Mordax Data, Audio Damage Neuron, Alright Devices Chronoblob and Mutable Instruments Warps. […]
Interview – RYO
This interview is from Issue #1 of DivKid’s Month Of Modular back from October 2015. Interesting to read it back a year on. Hi Benjamin, so we’ve been working together on promoting RYO products with my videos since RYO’s first module the Optodist. How did that module come about? Why use vactrols in it and […]
Module Of The Month – October 2015
Rather than a straight copy and paste job from each magazine I thought I’d write a few words about each “Module Of The Month” from the past issues of my magazine. For Issue #1 I’d picked out the fantastic CP3 (or DTM as it now is) mixer from Manhattan Analog. I feel like I […]
DivKid’s Month Of Modular – Issue #1
Back from October 2015 where my magazine / online newsletter “thingy ma-jig” started. Issue #1 brought together several ideas of sharing content and was the birth of my little magazine. Wasn’t she cute as a baby? Module of the month was the Manhattan Analog CP3 mixer, interview was with RYO along with various bits of […]
Prepare yourselves …
… for a mad stream of content coming! I’m going to post up all the existing Module Of The Month and Interview content from the first year (12 issues) of DivKid’s Month Of Modular. The content is then searchable and all here for people to check out that may have missed it. To get things […]